Orthodontic Warning Signs…

American Association of Orthodontics logo Porter Orthodontics in Baton Rouge LAThe American Association of Orthodontics recommends that parents understand the early warning signs of an orthodontics problem and recommends kids be evaluated by an orthodontist by age 7 – 8. Early evaluation provides both timely detection of problems and a greater opportunity for more effective treatment. Well timed intervention guides growth and development, preventing serious problems later. When orthodontic intervention is not necessary, an orthodontist can carefully monitor growth and development and begin treatment when it is ideal.

There are many different types malocclusions or bite problems that require orthodontic treatment at Porter Orthodontics. Below is a list of the most common orthodontic problems seen today in children, teens and adults.

Contact our office to schedule a consultation to determine how we can help you with your orthodontic needs. It is not necessary to have a referral from you general dentist to take advantage of this complimentary service we provide to all our patients.


Overbite: Upper teeth protrude over the lower teeth. Often called “Buck teeth” Protruding front teeth Porter Orthodontics in Baton Rouge LA
Deepbite: The upper teeth cover the lower teeth wearing down the enamel of the lowers Deepbite Porter Orthodontics in Baton Rouge LA
Underbite: The lower teeth cover the upper teeth. This may be the result of a jaw growth discrepancy and/or tooth problem. Underbite Porter Orthodontics in Baton Rouge LA
Openbite: The upper and lower front teeth do not come together. Often the result of a finger habit, allergies, or enlarged tonsils and adenoids. Openbite Porter Orthodontics in Baton Rouge LA
Crowding: Jaws are too narrow or teeth are too large causing crowded or misaligned teeth. Crowding Porter Orthodontics in Baton Rouge LA
Spacing: Teeth are too small or jaws are too large causing space between teeth. Spacing Porter Orthodontics in Baton Rouge LA
Crossbite: Upper teeth are inside the lower teeth. Crossbite Porter Orthodontics in Baton Rouge LA

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