Is Feeding Your Sweet Tooth Worth the Damage?

Sweet Tooth Porter Orthodontics in Baton Rouge LASugar in our daily diet will always be an issue for dental and medical professionals, nutritionists, and parents. As long as sugar remains a large part of the American diet, we will continue to hear about all the negative effects sugar can have on the body. But the real question is… will we listen?

Overall, Americans are consuming less sugar than before, but Medical Daily reports we’re still getting about 13 percent of our daily calories from added sugars. A study from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey stated that two-thirds of added sugar is found in foods, and the rest in drinks, especially soda.

Researchers found that men on average are consuming more sugar at 335 calories of added sugar per day while women are consuming 239 calories of added sugar per day. Since the American Heart Association recommends that men get no more than 150 calories each day from added sugars, and women no more than 100 calories, there is still good reason for concern since it is still substantially higher than recommended..

High sugar intake can lead to serious medical problems such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure, and cancer. Not to mention the adverse effect it has on our dental health and the major cause of tooth decay.

You may ask… Is this concern exaggerated?

Not in our minds at Porter Orthodontics. Refined sugar, high fructose corn syrup and even natural sugar additives are everywhere in the standard American diet. It has contributed to the growing obesity epidemic and most health issues found in the United States. Is it a coincidence that the obesity rate has increased by 20 percent since 1990 along with the increase in fast food restaurants and easy to fix processed meals found in grocery stores?

We feel it is important that we as dental professionals offer information to educate parents, teens, and kids alike on why sugar is bad for you. Not just to protect your teeth, but the entire body from major health issues over a lifetime.

Discover how your sweet tooth may be affecting you and your family in the Infographic below provide by the Online Nursing Program. Leave your comments or suggestions below on how you view the sugar epidemic in our country.



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