
Is Chilly Weather Hurting Your Teeth?

As fall begins in many parts of the country, temperatures begin to drop, and leaves begin to change. However, can the cooler weather also cause your teeth to hurt? Keep reading to learn more about how your teeth can react to cooler weather from Dr. Joseph Porter at Porter Orthodontics.

Do your teeth ever hurt when you eat something hot or cold? When your tooth enamel wears down or your gums recede, it exposes a layer of your teeth that is especially sensitive to temperature changes. The weather can also cause your teeth to experience discomfort. During the winter, your teeth contract in response to intense cold weather. This can lead to cracks in your teeth and cause the same type of pain that you may feel when you eat something cold, like ice cream.

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3 Common Speech Problems Orthodontics Can Help

How we communicate through speech is a crucial part of our daily lives. Did you know that the alignment of your teeth can affect your speech? If you’re struggling with certain elements of speech, it could be attributed to your teeth. Keep reading to learn more about different speech problems and how braces can help from Dr. Joseph Porter at Porter Orthodontics.

  1. Mispronunciation

Certain sounds are practically impossible to pronounce when teeth aren’t where they’re supposed to be. Fricative consonant sounds like “t” “s” or “ch” which require tongue-to-tooth contact and are not possible without it. Orthodontic treatment places teeth where they need to be for better pronunciation.

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October is National Orthodontic Health Month

For many of us, October can mean fall weather and the excitement of Halloween. However, for orthodontists, October is also a very special month because October is National Orthodontic Health Month. This month is a month to celebrate and recognize the beautiful, healthy smiles that orthodontists create.

Here are some fun facts about orthodontics in celebration of Orthodontic Health Month from Dr. Joseph Porter at Porter Orthodontics. Orthodontic treatment is a way of straightening or moving teeth to improve their appearance and how they work. Braces and invisible aligners are some of the more commonly used appliances to straighten teeth during orthodontic treatment.

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5 Ways Your Smile Changes As You Age

Getting older isn’t a favorite topic of conversation, but it is important to understand how the body changes as it ages so you can continue to live a happy and healthy life as you grow older. One thing that changes as you age that people don’t often think about is your smile. Read on to learn more about how your smile ages and how you can take care of your teeth from Dr. Joseph Porter at Porter Orthodontics.

A smile is one of a person’s most defining features and there are several things you can do to slow the decline and changes that happen as you age.

  1. Wear and Tear

Teeth are very strong, but not indestructible. All of those years of chewing, grinding, and shredding are sure to take their toll sooner or later. These actions wear down the protective enamel coating on your teeth, which makes them more susceptible to cracking and breaking. Additionally, tooth sensitivity declines as you age, meaning you might not notice pain until things become serious.

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Some Pointers for Poking Wires

We know that having metal in your mouth doesn’t always feel like the most natural thing. Fortunately, after you get your braces on and have your initial adjustment, most people don’t even notice their braces are there. However, sometimes a pesky wire will escape and remind you that your braces are there. Have no fear though, most of the time you can fix rogue wires on your own without having to make an extra trip to the orthodontist. Loose or pokey wires are the most common problem people experience while in braces, so if that happens to you, here are some steps to follow from Dr. Joseph Porter at Porter Orthodontics:

  1. See if you can push it back into place

If a wire pulls loose a little it might not be completely out of the bracket. If this is the case, you can use a finger to push it back into place. In other instances, you can guide the wire back into the tube.

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The Relationship Between Asthma & Cavities

The headline of this blog post is pretty shocking isn’t it? Many people are unaware of the link between asthma and tooth decay resulting from a dry mouth. Here is some more information from Dr. Joseph Porter at Porter Orthodontics.

You may be wondering what does asthma have to do with cavities. When people aren’t easily able to draw in their breath, most people compensate by breathing through their mouths. This causes your mouth to dry out. Insufficient saliva leaves you more vulnerable to decay-causing bacteria because saliva helps to protect and clean your teeth. Moreover, asthma and allergy medications themselves can cause even more dryness on top of mouth breathing. In short, it’s not a good combination.

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