In this age of limitless digital information and easy online access, the temptation to opt for do-it-yourself (DIY) solutions for almost anything has become enticing. However, when it comes to matters as intricate as aligning your teeth, DIY orthodontics might not only be ineffective but could pose severe risks to your dental health.
You did it! After months or even years of wearing braces, your teeth are finally straight and your smile is beautiful. But before you can fully enjoy your new smile, there is one more thing you need to do: wear your retainers. Retainers are essential for keeping your teeth in their new position and maintaining your straight, healthy smile for years to come.
But wearing your retainers is only part of the equation. You also need to protect them when they’re out of your mouth. After all, the world is full of hazards that can damage or destroy your retainers, from curious pets to mischievous siblings. Here are some tips to help you keep your retainers safe from Dr. Joseph Porter at Porter Orthodontics.Read More
They say an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and here at Porter Orthodontics in Baton Rouge, LA, with the guidance of Dr. Joseph Porter, we couldn’t agree more. In the pursuit of a vibrant and strong smile, we emphasize the importance of proactive care. While dental procedures like veneers, crowns, and fillings have their place, the foundation of a healthy smile lies in good oral hygiene and mindful dietary choices. In this blog post, we’ll unveil five dietary tips that can make a significant impact on the health of your smile.Read More
Halloween is certainly something to look forward to! Crafting an amazing costume, attending parties, maybe even braving a haunted house. But, with all the sugary treats making their way into your life, we’d be remiss if we didn’t warn you about the true Halloween horror – tooth decay.
If you have braces, an appliance, or Invisalign aligners, pay special attention during the Halloween season. The effects of poor oral health combined with lots of candy are even spookier. But never fear! Here are some things to keep in mind to ensure you don’t have to deal with decay this fall from Dr. Joseph Porter at Porter Orthodontics.Read More
October marks the start of cooler temperatures and Halloween festivities, but it also means it’s National Orthodontic Health Month! This month recognizes the impact that orthodontics has on patients’ lives, not just in terms of oral health but also in mental well-being. Straightening a crooked bite or fixing occlusion issues might seem like a small task, but it can have a lasting impact on your future health.
Dr. Joseph Porter at Porter Orthodontics is a highly trained professional who specialize in tooth alignment and general dentistry. They undergo additional residency programs that can last up to three years to specifically study orthodontia and occlusion. They also attend conferences and continuing education courses to stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and techniques to provide the best possible care to patients.
The real answer to this question is yes. You might see advertisements online or in magazines for services that bypass the orthodontist to get you clear aligners. These services are typically referred to as mail-in orthodontics. Many adults who seek orthodontic care later in life view the orthodontist as a hassle and may be more likely to try these non-certified options, so keep reading to learn more about why you should get Invisalign from an orthodontist, from Dr. Joseph Porter at Porter Orthodontics.
Why an Orthodontist?
Orthodontists are highly trained professionals. While aligner companies have technology that allows them to create sets of correctional aligners, they lack the training and expertise of a certified orthodontist to make diagnostic decisions regarding your bite and teeth.
Orthodontists go through dental school and a specialized master’s program adding two to three years of specified bite-focused training to their dental education. They complete an orthodontic residency and often participate in research to further the field as a whole.
Many orthodontists also invest in continuing education programs and are up to date on the best and most effective ways to straighten teeth. An orthodontic office has all the materials and staff to facilitate an easier and less harmful path to a beautiful smile.